Thursday, January 17, 2008

The 5th Wheel...

I am not talking about the early 00's syndicated dating show which rivaled Elimidate as the new century's most awkward way to date people on TV. I am talking about the 5th wheel in this year's Oscar race. As I see it, there are four locks in each of the main categories. The fifth spot in each category is really up in the air. A bevy of Oscar hopefuls are fighting it out for the last spot. Here are my picks at who will be the coveted fifth wheel.

Best Picture:

No Country for Old Men
There Will Be Blood
Michael Clayton

5th Wheel Will Be: Atonement. It won the Golden Globe and dominated the BAFTAs. It is the kind of movie Oscar loves. It's romantic, sweeping, lush and about war. It features three up and coming Hollywood A listers and an IT boy director. The problemis, it's not that good. But it will make it in just barely over Sweeney Todd.5th Wheel Should Be: Hairspray. I know, I know. Sweeney Todd really deserves the musical nomination and Hairspray didn't have the pedigree of some other serious films this year. But was any movie more fun?
Best Actor:

George Clooney, Michael Clayton
Daniel Day Lewis, There Will Be Blood
Viggo Mortensen, Eastern Promises
Johnny Depp, Sweeney Todd

5th Wheel Will Be: Emile Hirsch for Into the Wild. A truly mesmerizing leading performance.5th Wheel Should (and very well Could) Be: Ryan Gosling for Lars and the Real Girl. Gosling was deeply affecting as the heart wounded Lars. The scene in which his Dr. tries to get to the bottom of his intimacy issues is heartbreaking.

Best Actress:

Marion Cotillard, La Vie En Rose
Ellen Page, Juno
Angelina Jolie, A Mighty Heart
Julie Christie, Away from Her

5th Wheel Will Be: This could go so many different way. It could be Laura Linney for The Savages or Helena Bonham Carter for Sweeny Todd. I do not understand how Keira Underbightley could have any buzz. However, I am starting to believe that Cate Blanchett's Queen Elizbeth will get the last spot. After all, she has been on every nom list so far. 5th Wheel Should Be: AMY ADAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to put her in my predictions, but my gut tells me it's not going to happen. How can Oscar commit such a crime. Adams' performance is one of the finest nuanced and gracefully comedic performances I've ever seen. She's a Disney Princess version of Annie Hall.

Best Supporting Actor:

Javier Bardem, No Country for Old Men
Tom Wilkinson, Michael Clayton
Casey Affleck, The Assassination of Jesse James
Hal Holbrook, Into the Wild

5th Wheel Will Be: Philip Seymour Hoffman will edge out Tommy Lee Jones and John Travolta for the last spot.5th Wheel Should Be: Robert Downey Jr. in Zodiac. RDJr. was the best thing about Zodiac. He was equally charismatic, charming and fascinating.

Best Supporting Actress:

Cate Blanchett, I'm Not There
Tilda Swinton, Michael Clayton
Ruby Dee, American Gangster
Amy Ryan, Gone Baby Gone

5th Wheel Will Be: Saoirse Ronan in Atonement because there really is a total lack of contenders in this category.5th Wheel Should Be: Jennifer Garner in Juno. Jennifer Garner was so touching and lovely as tightly wound Vanessa. I seriously don't understand the lack of buzz on this one.

Best Director:

Coen Bros, No Country for Old Men
PT Anderson, There Will Be Blood
Julian Schnabel, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
Tony Gilroy, Michael Clayton

5th Wheel will Be: This category is tough. I'd say the 5th spot is between Joe Wright and Tim Burton. I think it will go to Joe Wright for that 5 minute shot on the beach.5th Wheel Should Be: The Academy should really consider Brad Bird who's work on Ratatouille was fantastic. When will the academy figure out that helming an animated feature takes just as much touch and finesse as any War sequence or finely crafted dramatic sequence.

Offical predictions on the weekend.

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