Can you imagine if there was actually an award ceremony named after mid 90's plus sized supermodel Emme. I would win every award especially the award for the person most like to wash down a Filet of fish with McChicken sauce and a McFlurry. A girl's gotta eat right?
So yes it is Emmy weekend and it will be hosted by the 4 of the 5 biggest douches on TV. Gaycrest, Bergeron, Deal or No Deal Mandel, and Probst aren't exactly must see TV. Seriously mid 90's plus sized supermodel Emme would be a better host. However, I cannot wait to see Heidi Klum say auf Wiedersehen to every individual loser at the award ceremony.
Emmys are tough because they are so hard to predict and the winners are all over the map. Sometimes the Emmys get it right. Laurie "Aunt Jackie" Metcalf has three statuettes. But most times they get it wrong. Doris Roberts has four emmys, while Kim "Samantha Jones" Catrall has none. BLASPHEMY! Did anyone even like Raymond? I couldn't tolerate it.
These are my final predictions for this year's awards.
Best Drama: Mad Men
Best Comedy: 30 Rock
Best Drama Actor: James Spader for Boston Public (does anyone watch this show and why does this guy keep winning?)
Best Comedy Actor: Alec Baldwin for 30 Rock
Best Drama Actress: Glenn Close for Damages
Best Comedy Actress: Tina Fey for 30 Rock (if she doesn't win, there is no Constance Justice in the world)
Best Drama Supporting Actor: William Shatner for Boston Public
Best Comedy Supporting Actor: Neil Patrick Harris for How I Met Your Mother
Best Drama Supporting Actress: Chandra Wilson for Grey's Anatomy
Best Comedy Supporting Actress: Amy Poehler for Saturday Night Live
As long as Liz Lemon and Jack Donaghy win I don't really care what else happens. Okay I am boring myself. Filet of Fish time.
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