Thursday, December 15, 2011


It's the most wonderful time of the year. Yes, yes it is because it's Oscar season! I love seeing the critic top ten lists being unveiled day after day and the precursor awards that essentially shape who we will see come the January 24th nomination morning.

NBoR and BFCA announced last week and SAG and Golden Globes announced this week. It's amazing to see what is really a contender and what is dead in the water at this point.

Here are my current Oscar predictions:

Best Picture

War Horse
The Artist
The Help
The Descendants
Midnight in Paris
Tree of Life
The Ides of March

Best Director

Martin Scorsese - Hugo
Alexander Payne - The Descendants
Stephen Spielberg - War Horse
Woody Allen - Midnight in Paris
Michel Hazanavicius - The Artist

Best Actor

Michael Fassbender - Shame
George Clooney - The Descendants
Brad Pitt - Moneyball
Jean Dujardin - The Artist
Leonardo DiCaprio - J. Edgar

Best Actress

Glenn Close - Albert Nobbs
Viola Davis - The Help
Tilda Swinton - We Need To Talk About Kevin
Meryl Streep - The Iron Lady
Michelle Williams - My Week with Marilyn

Best Supporting Actor

Albert Brooks - Drive
Jonah Hill - Moneyball
Christopher Plummer - Beginners
Kenneth Branagh - My Week with Marilyn
Nick Nolte - Warrior

Best Supporting Actress

Berenice Bejo - The Artist
Jessica Chastain - The Help
Janet McTee - Albert Nobbs
Octavia Spencer - The Help
Shailene Woodley - The Descendants

1 comment:

trishlackey said...

I hate War Horse.

With a wild passion.