This is amazing:
Kathy Ireland is and was amazingly entertaining.
Red carpet moment of the year Gabby Sidibe saying “If fashion was porn, this dress would be the money shot." That person is so good.
I actually liked the opening with Best Actors and Actresses on stage. It was a nice way to honor them.
Gabby Sidibe’s posing ANTM style when they announced her name is another reason why I continue to become obsessed with that person.
I love Doogie Howser but that opening number was a lackluster way to start an equally lackluster award ceremony.
Alec and Steve were underwhelming from their first “joke.”
The timing was completely off during the opening monologue. Say someone’s name, audience claps, underwhelming joke, tepid laughter, move on.
"The biggest change this year – the best picture category being doubled. And when that was announced, all of us in Hollywood thought, 'What's five times two?' THIS IS THE OSCARS!!!!
Christoph Waltz wins and deserves every lick of that Oscar.
Tom Ford is beautiful.
Sarah Jessica Parker is not.
I don’t find Ben Stiller funny. I would have preferred Christine Taylor.
John Hughes montage was nice, but does he really deserve it?
Actually kinda liked the song nominees getting cut, although I would have died to see Marion Cotillard sing Take It All.
Miley Cyrus says “We’re both nervous, this is our first time on this stage.” Amanda Seyfried thinks Bitch speak for your damn self.
Miley forgets it’s actually her second appearance on Oscars stage after introducing a song from Enchanted in 2008.
A tribute to horror with clips from Young Frankenstein, Edward Scissorhands, Little Shop of Horrors and Twilight. Because, you know, they are horror movies.
Kristen Stewart introduces the horror tribute and this person needs to shape up or ship out. I am so tired of this person looking like she’s bored by everything. It’s unbecoming and completely disrespectful. She’s a very lucky girl for someone who is marginally talented and she should realize that or just discontinue the Hollywood game that seems to be such a drag for her.
Tina Fey and Robert Downey Jr. are perfection and I smell an Oscar hosting duty in two people’s future.
Those screenplay winners were shocking. Hurt Locker over Inglorious Basterds and Precious over Up in the Air. Who saw that coming?
I adored the montages the showed of the Supporting Actor and Actress nominees. It wasn’t just that one showy Oscar baiting scene.
After watching the montages of Best Supporting Actress, I was taken aback again by the brilliance of Mo’Nique. From where did she summon that brilliance?
Maggie Gyllenhaal actually looks moved by her own performance. That person is an asshole!
Mo’Nique is given the Oscar by Robin Williams. That’s a lot of hair on one stage.
Mo’Nique wins and thanks the Academy for recognizing the performance and not the politics. Amen Mo’, as it should be!
I think my life will be complete when Mo’Nique calls me baby!
Demi Moore has got some Benjamin Button action going on.
In Memoriam: Bea Arthur was ROBBED!
I loved that woman that tried to Kanye her former filmmaker partner. She is the real life Annie Wilkes.
Was it just me or was Carey Mulligan onstage for like a half hour announcing winners?
Liked the dance segment but did it really fit. I remember one year Debbie Allen choreographed a shirtless tap dancer to the score of Saving Private Ryan and it was BAD! America’s Best Dance Crew take on The Hurt Locker and someone pops and locks to the UP score. This is some Mia Michaels So You Think You Can Dance territory, not Oscar.
I loved that Juan José Campanella winner of Foreign film for El Secreto de Sus Ojos thanks the Academy for not considering Na’vi a foreign language.
I liked the friends of the Actor and Actress nominees celebrating them. I think it works.
Bridges wins and I yawn. Although the speech is nice and makes me think he’s not that far a cry from The Dude.
Watching the clips before Best Actress reminds me of the ridiculousness of a Sandra Bullock win in this category.
I actually forgot how mesmerizing Sidibe was and am reminded again.
"She was a student trying to earn some money to go to college. On Monday she skipped school to audition for a movie called Precious. On Tuesday they called her back to meet the director. On Wednesday, she got the part. And tonight, she is sitting at the Academy Awards in the same category as Meryl Streep.” Oprah to Gabby.
Gabby’s tears were the best moment of the show!
I am dying to see Helen Mirren’s hand spider tattoo. Who knew she was so Hell’s angels?
What the hell was Sean Penn talking about? And why can’t that man get a sense of humor?
Sandra Bullock becomes an Academy Award Winner. I yell NOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! and wake up my boyfriend who is sleeping upstairs.
Bullock snubs Streep but later makes up for it by calling her a great kisser.
I don’t agree with a Bullock win but she is so likeable and that speech was perfection with a great nod to each of her co-nominees.
Babs giving the Oscar to Bigelow was predictable but historical and important nonetheless.
The King of the World gets a slice of humble pie.
Did they really have to play Streisand and Bigelow offstage to an orchestral version of "I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar?”
Tom Hanks comes on and gives the most anticlimactic Best Picture announcement ever.
Hurt Locker wins, becomes the lowest grossing winning film in History and nary a shock all night.
The ceremony was so long Avatar now takes place in the past. Best joke of the night. So I guess save the best for last.